Cookie Policy





In order to provide you with better service and experience, we will use cookies and similar technologies. When you indicate that you continue to use this store, you agree to the use of cookies. The following is an overview of our policies, please read carefully.

What are cookies?

A cookie is a small file that is stored on your computer or mobile device when you visit a website. Cookies usually contain information about your visit to the website and are used to identify your device and browser to provide a better user experience.


We use cookies and similar technologies to:

  1. Keep your login status, so that you don’t have to log in repeatedly when you visit the website.
  2. Collect website traffic statistics to help us understand how users use our website to optimize website performance and user experience.
  3. Personalize and customize the content of the website, and provide products and recommendations that are more suitable for your interests and preferences.
  4. To provide you with advertising and marketing information to better meet your needs.


third party

We may allow third-party partners to set cookies on our website to achieve the above purposes. These third-party partners may include advertisers, analysis service providers, etc. Please note that we have no control over the content and use of third-party cookies, and third-party cookies will be governed by their own privacy policies.


Refuse and manage cookies

Most web browsers will automatically accept cookies, but you can refuse cookies or manage stored cookies through your browser settings. Please note that if you disable cookies, it may affect the functionality and experience of your visit to the website.


policy update

We reserve the right to update the cookie policy at any time. When updated, we will post the latest policy version on this page.


Contact email: [email protected]